Eligibility Requirements

Partner Organization Eligibility Requirements

Advancing the common good in our region takes a collaborative effort of social service agencies, businesses and hundreds of loyal donors who invest in United Way's community impact agenda, which addresses short term needs and long term objectives. A cornerstone of this effort are the parterships created between United Way and local agencies.
In the Fall of each year, agencies are invited to submit an application to be considered a United Way Partner Organization. The application includes information on the agency's financial stability, geographic area served, needs being met in the community as well as successess and challenges faced by the agency. Applications are reviewed by a volunteer committee, which then awards partner status to those who agencies who meet the standards established by the United Way Board.

Organizations must meet all of the following criteria, as determined by the volunteer review team, in order to be considered eligible for partner organization status:


• The organization is directly engaged in charitable health or human service in Adams County and has been providing services for more than two years.
• The organization demonstrates that its services meet a significant community need in the health or social service area that is aligned with United Way’s Target Outcomes. This must be documented by the applicant organization.
• The organization has sufficient organizational stability to accomplish its purpose as evidenced by its fiscal management, administrative and board leadership, quality of the professional staff, demonstrated ability in fund raising and resource development.
• The organization operates, by policy and practice, without discrimination based on race, sex, age, religion or national origin in all respects including service to people, the selection of board and committee members and the employment of professional and other staff.
• The organization is organized and operated on a non-profit basis, qualifying for charitable deductions under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
If an organization is granted partner organization status and agrees to the terms of the United Way / Partner Organization Agreement, the organization has access to many Benefits for UW Partners, which includes the opportunity to submit a request for program funding through the Resource Investment Process. Agencies wanting additional information about becoming a United Way partner are encouraged to call the Executive Director at 217-222-5020.