The United Way Help Line is your first call when you need assistance!

Free information and referral service that assists you in finding the help you need.
As simple as calling 217-224-1223:
You will speak to United Way's Director of Programs and Services who will discuss your current situation and assess what your needs are.
- The United Way representative will match your needs with the programs/assistance available at the given time
- You will be referred to any available resources at that time
- If there is not a service/resource available to address your current need, the United Way representative will research other alternatives that may be helpful going forward.
Why use Help Line?
Whether you need a phone number or information about the availability of a service or you need assistance in finding health care, housing, food, utility and rent assistance, senior services, substance abuse programs, legal services the United Way Help Line can help you on your path.
All who call get the information they need - referrals that make a real difference. Help Line offers hope and the realization that despite the gravity of any given situation there is hope and the possibility of regaining control in life. For agency staff persons who call requesting resource information for their clients, Help Line increases their ability to serve their clients in a timely manner.